Week 6&7: The Space Between


As part of the assessment, I created a connectable box which can be produced using the laser cutting machines in the maker space of UNSW. I wanted to offset certain links to make it have an interesting look. Overall this process of a simple and good way to learn how to navigate Fusion 360's interface. I took screenshots of varies steps of the process to document my experience.

Making the object using Fusion 360

Making the object using Fusion 360

Using the align tool to create a flat layout of the object

Top view of individual components

Creating a drawing version of the design file

Uploading pdf file into Adobe Illustrator

Laying out all components into the appropriate space as instructed by Russel Lowe


Due to the current situation, we were unable to laser cut our Fusion 360 models. Therefore I was able to print the drawing and used tracing paper onto thin recycled cardboard to create a 3D object. I kept my design simple as that represents my models and spaces (using a simple structure to make an effective space inside).

I was unable go to the shop to purchase thicker materials, so instead, I needed to settle with think recycled cardboard from various of food packages.

(All human models would be 170cm tall)
1:70 scale 
(appropriate measurements on my room)


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